
what is
Beyond ?

Beyond is much more than a brand; it is a signature that guarantees the skills made available to our customers as part of our tailor-made customisation service, where desired modifications are determined together in advance.

Discover our signature


Like architects, we are tasked with respectfully leaving our mark on a work of timekeeping art, reconsidering its aesthetics and technical characteristics, and transforming it into a unique creation.

discover our know-how


what sets
us apart

With boldness and ingenuity, our designers and watchmakers offer operations that go beyond pure aesthetics. Their inspired thinking enables unique and exclusive functions to be added to existing movements.


Are you looking to customise your timepiece? Working with you, our artisans will help you to flesh out your plans, respecting your wishes as much as possible while taking technical limitations into account.


Maintenance and after-sales services for watches customised by Beyond are carried out exclusively by the latter or by officially approved facilities.

contact the after-sales services department

Beyond Legal Notice

The Beyond brand does not make or sell watches. It is not sponsored by, affiliated with and/or associated with any other brand in any way whatsoever. It provides a customisation service, at the request of and on behalf of private customers, who supply their own watches to be modified.

The models presented on this website and via other communication channels were produced exclusively at the request of private customers strictly for their own personal use. They are representative of the know-how of our teams and the quality of our customisations.

Beyond operates completely independently, and has no direct or indirect connections to watchmaking brands.

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